Inspiring Monday (4/30/18)
Are you facing uncertainty? Are you unable to see where the road ahead leads? How does that make you feel? I’m in a place of uncertainty right now. Robert and I have decided to homeschool our five kids (again) next year. The last time I homeschooled, I would have sworn…
Inspiring Monday (4/23/18)
Maybe you don’t know this about me, but I’m deeply introverted. That doesn’t mean I’m shy or hate people. It just means that interacting with people drains my battery, so to speak. Because of that, vending at arts and crafts shows really exhausts me. On Saturday, I was delighted to…
Inspiring Monday
You know how everyone talks badly about and hates Mondays? Approximately 1/7 of the year is made exclusively of Mondays, and that’s a lot of time to focus on negativity and dread. I can’t do much about the rest of the world, but I can change my small corner by sharing…